Some of the team went to Starcrossed in Seattle while others headed east for two days of racing at the Hood River Double Cross that was the plan anyway. The rain held off until late in the day, but the course was still wet in the grass and muddy in places, particularly at the dreaded wooden bridge where I saw my feet, trees and the sky all at the same time on 3 consecutive laps before deciding that walking would be a better option.
This course brought tears to many and Tony managed not to throw up after the race. Justin raced single speed in a pair of basketball shoes? Matt Cline had mechanical issues while Matt Hutchinson smiled for the whole race (no tears). Plans were made to camp next to the river, but when we arrived it was dumping rain and the campground looked like a Harley convention, so we cut our losses and headed back home for a soak at Kennedy School. Matt Cline, Justin and Todd raced on Sunday on what turned out to be a beautiful day.