Wednesday, October 19, 2011

PIR Part 1, Heron Lakes

Beer! Lots and lots of beer. This week was the first venue that allows beer, and Team Portobello took full advantage of that.  We weren't the only team to bring a keg, but we were the only team to use bike power to deliver their full-sized keg to the venue.  Mike Cobb, you are my hero!  Mike wasn't even racing, he just wanted to pitch in and support the team. Mike's cargo bike is rated to 425 lbs., and a keg only weighs in at 160, so we figure next time he needs to bring two kegs, to even out the load!
As for the racing, a bunch of us raced, and some did pretty good. Mark A. got his best Cross Crusade result of the year (ok he DNF'd at his only other Crusade race this year but he got robbed on that one) and his wife Shannon made some really awesome treats for us, so he gets this soulful, black and white picture of himself in the post.
Justin really did look like a guy who started drinking before his race, but he managed to finish and he beat some people too.  The rest of us did just fine. Brent still doesn't have a team skinsuit so were not posting his picture. Erik raced hard but his son raced harder than all of us combined. Marc and Jeff managed to crash a few times.  Marc left more skin on the course than Jeff, but Jeff managed to crash in front of a bigger crowd of people, so he wins.  We all managed to stay awake to watch the singlespeed race and I think Hutch did great, but I'm not sure. I nodded off near the end.  However, you can check our sensational results here:
Rebecca raced her first cross race of the year (yes we do have women on the team) and she managed to get the best result of the day for Portobello! I was too busy picking gravel out of my flesh to get a picture of her racing so this picture of Tina Brubaker will have to suffice. Tina is cool and she has a cool bike. Some day I'd like to have a bike like hers.

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